A dental emergency is any issue that cannot wait until a regularly scheduled appointment.
What to do in case of a dental emergency
If you are experiencing pain, swelling, or if you can feel anything broken, please call us at (403) 236-5171.
We will endeavour to see you as soon as possible.
As a service to our regular and current patients, your dentist can be reached after-hours in severe emergencies. Only existing patients are eligible.
Teeth can hurt for a variety of reasons. Please allow us to see you as soon as possible.
Swelling, bad taste, foul smell, pus
These are all signs of infection. When the area around a tooth becomes infected, it is necessary to keep the infection from spreading to other areas, as well as address the source of infection. Please call us and we will schedule you in ASAP.
Broken tooth
Broken teeth can result from large cavities, old fillings, and weakened tooth structure.
If a tooth has simply broken and there is no constant pain, please schedule an appointment during regular office hours.
Facial injuries
Please call us immediately if you think your teeth or jaw may be injured.
Facial injuries are often due to sports injuries, falls, and hits to the face. If you’re unsure of the extent of the injuries, come for an examination to be sure. Infections and healing can improved if dealt with early on.
If a whole tooth has been knocked out, it can be re-implanted successfully within 30-60 minutes. Gently rinse the tooth without scrubbing it, and place it in baggie of milk or salt-water, then hurry over to see us.